WOW Walk to Celebrate Tu B'Shvat

Please join the Riverway Project and Center for Adult Jewish Learning on a WOW Walk led by Aki Yonekawa through the Arnold Arboretum to celebrate Tu B'Shvat, often coined "the new year of the trees." On this guided walk we will engage in Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel's concept of radical amazement, an opportunity to really take in the nature and beauty around us.
Register to join us and we'll see you at 11:00 a.m. on March 9 at the Forest Hills Entrance of the Arboretum where Forest Hill Rd and Willow Path meet. There is parking on Arborway, but keep in mind this is a busy time of day at the Arboretum and finding a spot may take a few extra minutes. If you plan to take public transit, this entrance is just up Arborway from the Forest Hills T Station. For questions, contact