The Village is our place for families with young children (ages 0 – 5) to joyfully celebrate Jewish life, while meeting new friends and having fun together. Throughout the year we create a variety of opportunities to help connect families with one another. Here at the Village, there is something for everyone! Come experience TGIS (Thank Goodness it’s Shabbat), held in our spacious garden and playground. Take part in one of our festive Havdalah-themed events or holiday block parties.
All are welcome at Village gatherings: Temple Israel members, non-members, interfaith families, partnered, adopting, or single parents, LGBTQ+ parents, Black Jews, White Jews, and Jews of color. Come check us out!
We are happy to validate your parking if you park at the lot located at 375 Longwood Avenue.
What We Offer
TGIS: Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat
TGIS is a livelyand interactive service that meets on select Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for anyone between the ages of 5 days and 5 years. Led by beloved local musician Wayne Potash and the Temple Israel clergy, TGIS includes dancing, singing, playing, and praying. On the first, third, and fifth Saturdays of the month, we meet onsite at Temple Israel, and if the weather allows we gather outside in the garden. Come enjoy bagels, cream cheese, and Shabbat challah.
Havdalah Themed Family Events
We love coming together for Havdalah! From challah making to playground meetups, to pajama parties, and more, we offer multiple ways to connect.
Holiday Celebrations
The Village joyfully celebrates Jewish holidays as they occur, with music, crafts, puppetry, prayer, and more. You will always find a member of our clergy at Village events.
Shabbat Mishpachah
Come to Family Shabbat at Temple Israel. We start with a taco bar followed by services. During the service, the kids will join the education staff for an ice-cream sundae bar and games. Babysitting is provided for kids 3 and under. Questions? Contact Roberta Axeloons.
Rainbow Room Playspace
Families are welcome to bring their children ages 0 – 3 to the Rainbow Room (Room 105). We have puzzles, a dollhouse, blocks, and more. Diapers and snacks are also available. Arrange a Rainbow Room playdate with your child’s friends! Feel free to drop by the Rainbow Room whenever Temple Israel is open.
What We're Hearing
Upcoming Events
Thank Goodness It's Shabbat! (TGIS) Featuring TI's Shabbat performer Wayne Potash
Help Support The Village!
Village programs are free and open to the community. If you would like to help support the effort with a contribution, you may do so by visiting our Village donation page. All donations large and small are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!