L'Shanah Tovah U’metukah! We Move Together Toward a Good New Year.

The High Holy Days – A time to open our hearts and minds to the finest within us and one another. A time when we can allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The High Holy Days – Our annual homecoming at Temple Israel. In this place, we find strength, insight, and the wisdom from our tradition. And we know that home is wherever we find ourselves in prayer.

High Holy Days

“Oh God, open my lips so my mouth may declare your praise.
You, O God, want mindful intention, not empty ritual, as You implore us to break open our hearts with contrition and seek forgiveness.” (adapted from Psalm 51:17)

You, O God, want us to show up with broken hearts. Yet, we do not have to do this alone. We are received in community. Therefore we pray, “May our shattered hearts and our prayerful words raise us higher toward You and to one another.”

Tickets for High Holy Day services
See the High Holy Day brochure

Important Dates

S’lichot: Saturday, September 28

Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2 – Friday, October 4

Yom Kippur: Friday, October 11 – Saturday, October 12

Sukkot: Wednesday, October 16 – Wednesday, October 23

Simchat Torah: Wednesday, October 23 – Thursday, October 24

Immerse Yourselves in the High Holy Days

Past High Holy Day Sermons

5784 High Holy Days Sermons

Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784

“We Are the Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire,” Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Community-Wide Service

“A Skeptical Grown-Up’s Guide to the High Holy Days,” Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Riverway Project Service


Rosh Hashanah 5784

“Towards an Abundance of Empathy,” Rabbi Dan Slipakoff,  Community-Wide Service

“A Tale of Two Buckets,” Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Rosh Hashanah Young Family Service

“Ask Big Questions,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Rosh Hashanah Sermon, Family Service


Kol Nidre 5784, Sunday, September 24, 2023

“Jewish Virtue Ethics: Finding Goodness in a Complicated World,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Community-Wide Service

“Welcome to Jewrassic Park,” Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Family Service

“Days of Awe, Days of Enchantment,” Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Riverway Project


Yom Kippur 5784, Monday, September 25, 2023

“Deal with Demons Daily,” Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Family Service

“Give and Take,” Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Yizkor Services

“Jonah: The Son of Truth,” Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Community-Wide Service

“May Israel Be,” Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Yom Kippur Sermon, Community-Wide Service







5783 High Holy Day Sermons
Erev Rosh Hashanah 5783, Sunday, September 25, 2022

Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Young Family Service

“A Judaism of Enthusiasm!” — Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Community-Wide Service

“Everything Old is New Again,” Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Riverway Project (20s/30s) Service


Rosh Hashanah 5783, Monday, September 26, 2022

Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Young Family Service

“Enough,” Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Community-Wide Service Service

Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Rosh Hashanah 5783 Family Service Sermon


Kol Nidre 5783, October 4, 2022

“It Takes More than Thirty-Six,” Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Community-Wide Service

“Go Be AWESOME,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Family Service

Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Young Family Service


Yom Kippur 5783, October 5, 2022

Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Young Family Service

Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Family Service

“The Responsibility to Remember,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Yizkor Service

“Avinu Malkeinu: God of Life, God of Love, God of Change,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Community-Wide Service

5782 High Holy Day Sermons
Erev Rosh Hashanah, September 6, 2021

Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Community-Wide Service

Cantor Alicia Stillman, Family Service

“Here I am, Full of Compassion, Ready to Rebuild,” Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Riverway


Rosh Hashanah, September 7, 2021

 “Masking Ourselves in Holiness,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Family Service

“Comfort in Your Space, Courage in Your Place,” Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Community-Wide Service


Kol Nidre, September 15, 2021

Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Family Service

Rabbi Andrew Oberstein, Riverway

Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Community-Wide Service


Yom Kippur, September 16, 2021

Teshuvah and Israel: Honesty, Bravery, and Patience,” Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Community-Wide Service