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A City Under Attack: Stories of Loss, Resilience, and Rebuilding with Eyal Tarchitzky of Dror Israel

Temple Israel of Boston
November 14, 2024

Eyal Tarchitzky is an educator and representative of Dror Israel in the greater Boston area. Dror Israel is one of the largest, most diverse, and unique educational organizations in Israel. Their 1,300 professional educators serve over 150,000 people every year throughout Israel. He is a member of the educators’ community of Dror Israel in Sderot, less than two miles from the Gaza border.

On October 8th, Eyal’s family evacuated from the city to the Dead Sea. There, he led educational-emotional first aid programs for fellow evacuees for nearly four months. Currently, a year after October 7th, they are temporarily living in Akko, in northern Israel. You can read more about his family’s story and Dror Israel on the Jewish Boston website.