Action & Engagement Opportunities

Home Adult Engagement Justice & Compassion Action & Engagement Opportunities

Tikkun Central (TI’s Justice and Compassion initiatives) is committed to offering multiple ways to act righteously through a Jewish lens as we strive to have a significant impact on TI and the broader community. Below are upcoming initiatives, ongoing actions, and signature events. All are welcome to join us.

Responding to the current challenges in our world, we invite you to join us for these upcoming events

Ongoing Actions

Led by our Justice and Compassion leaders, Tikkun Central offers ongoing learning, organizing, volunteering, and donating opportunities to make a positive impact. To learn more about any of the following actions, contact Tali Puterman.

Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Team

Temple Israel is engaged in a culture shift that aims to look through a lens of racial equity, diversity, and inclusion to build a synagogue community in which everyone can truly belong. We strive to build a diverse team that includes a variety of identities, backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Non-Ashkenazi Jews, those identifying as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) women, people with disabilities, immigrants, LGBTQ identifying people, and individuals who come from poor or working-class backgrounds are encouraged to join our team.

Shop Our Shuk of Black-Owned Businesses

We encourage supporting Black-owned businesses. What makes our list unique is that we have relationships with each business owner and enjoy doing this work in partnership.

During this global Covid-19 pandemic, all of us have been impacted in unique and challenging ways. Because of systemic racism that is embedded throughout our society, the novel coronavirus strain is hitting black communities the hardest. Tikkun Central’s Racial Justice Initiative is already committed to promoting purchases from Black-owned businesses and we recognize the unique challenges of safely accessing goods and services in these times. We invite you to explore our virtual shuk (marketplace) and align your spending with your values as we support local Black business owners. From contactless food deliveries/pick-ups to purchasing books and online meditation and exercise classes, find what you need here!

Join TI's BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Caucus Group

We invite our members who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to gather as an affinity group to build relationships within our community and explore opportunities and challenges.

Volunteer with Partakers: Prisoners Behind Bars

In teams of four, we mentor students who are currently incarcerated in partnership with Partakers: Prisoners Behind Bars. Post release, the relationships can continue to assist with reentry.

My mentors supported my academic goals and future aspirations; they made me believe in myself. When things became overwhelming, they encouraged me. When I received an “A” in a class, they celebrated with me. Together, my Partaker mentors reminded me that I wasn’t alone or forgotten, and definitely worth an education. I am so grateful for Partakers and for their support and belief in me. and for demonstrating how to love others, all people, through kindness.” -A.J. (Partakers Student)”

Join the VOTE24 Campaign

We invite members to volunteer to protect democracy and fight against voter suppression with our Voting Rights Action Team. We do this work in partnership with national and local organizations. Contact Sandy Wixted to participate.

Participate in our Anti-racism Education Group

Please join our collective efforts to educate and engage our community on how we can strive to live as anti-racists, individually, institutionally, and as a society. 

Volunteer with the Boston Immigrant Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN)

Sign up to join the BIJAN to learn about how you can directly impact the lives of undocumented immigrants, such as doing court accompaniment work, providing rides, translating, and legal assistance.

Join the Acts of Kindness Army with TI Cares (supported by Marilyn and Mike Grossman Caring Community Fund)

Sign up to join Temple Israel’s internal mitzvah corps: a caring community of members connecting with other members during times of celebration, grief, joy, and challenge. Examples of our work include delivering honey jars at Rosh Hashanah, writing condolence cards and welcome emails, visiting seniors, and more. Sign up at

Join Temple Israel’s Dayenu Circle

Dayenu Circles—small groups of people working on climate action—are a way for you to make powerful, positive change with a Jewish voice. Working in connection with other Dayenu Circles across the country, you can advance significant national climate policy while also working locally within your community.

Join Temple Israel’s GBIO Core Team

Learn about making broad based change together with 57+ members of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO). Temple Israel’s core team members are available for one-on-one conversations to discuss current legislative campaigns. Learn how you can join to make an impact.

Food Justice Team

TI’s Food Justice Team is working towards ending hunger in Massachusetts.  Join us for direct service action opportunities when we make lunches for those in need, and learn how you can help fight for food justice.

FACT: Did you know that in 2024 34% of Massachusetts households experienced hunger on a regular basis?

Signature Events

Temple Israel approaches all of its work through our mission of Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Tikkun Central hosts signature events yearly with an intentional focus on particular justice issues connected to the Jewish calendar.

Shabbat Tzedek Weekend

Since 1992, Temple Israel has devoted the Shabbat which precedes Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day to celebrating the values and life of Dr. King. We call this special Shabbat evening Shabbat Tzedek,” a Sabbath of Justice. Hosted by Temple Israel’s justice community in partnership with clergy, we welcome over 800 people from the TI community and our neighbors to celebrate Shabbat and learn from an invited speaker. The weekend continues on Saturday morning with a Racial Justice themed Torah study followed by additional learning opportunities and Havdalah. Our members are invited to join Bethel AME Church on Sunday morning for their prayer service. We also encourage participation in a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

Shabbat of Environmental Justice

We host a guest speaker to engage the congregation to reflect and act to address climate change.

Each year during the High Holy Days, Jews of every generation, race, and culture embark on a shared journey of reflection and repentance. During the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we reevaluate the way we live in this world, as individuals, and as a community through the practice of cheshbon ha’nefesh, an accounting of our souls. For ten days we contemplate who we want to be moving forward into a new spiritual year, and what parts of ourselves we wish to cast away. Since 2017, in the spirit of T’shuvah, the Temple Israel community has reflected on our world from an anti-racist perspective, with the goal of altering any negative practices, biases, and perceptions towards people of color.

10 Days 10 Ways/An Antiracist Journey leads participants on this journey.