Qabbalat Shabbat with the Confirmation Class of 5783
Gather with us as we end Shavuot together and celebrate Qabbalat Shabbat with the Confirmation Class of 5783! We congratulate this year’s Confirmation class: Jadon Berkson, Maya Gewurz, Emily Lutzker, Olivia Neiman-Nickel, Ella O’Sullivan Flannery, Amalia Rysman, and Sylvie Sacks, who will take hold of Torah, affirm their Jewish identities, and add their names to the enduring legacy of this beautiful tradition that highlights the vitality of our Temple Israel community.
All are welcome to join this service full of prayer, meditation, and music!
Join us onsite in the Temple Israel Garden (weather permitting) or online (on Zoom, on Facebook Live, or via Temple Israel’s livestream).
Questions? Call 617-566-3960 or email