Onsite and Online

Temple Israel Progressive Israel Caucus Meeting (TIPIC)


June 13, 2024


07:00 PM - 08:30 PM EDT


Onsite and Online


BDS: A Balanced View

You are cordially invited to a presentation by a team from Congregation Dorshei Tzedek who will share with us their research on Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS), the non-violent tool against the Occupation, in a balanced and informative way followed by a lengthy Q and A. What is BDS and why do we need to pay attention? The D in BDS, ‘divestment’ has been heard often in current college and university protesters’ demands. While it is currently newsworthy, the BDS movement has been a non-violent tool of resistance to the Occupation for almost two decades. Some see BDS as a way to pressure Israel to comply with international law in the way Israel treats Palestinians.  Others regard BDS as antisemitism in disguise.  Come decide for yourself. This program will help us all to understand and evaluate this movement in its current iteration as well as historically.

Join us for this meeting of the Temple Israel Progressive Israel Caucus (TIPIC) on Thursday, June 13, from 7:00—8:30 p.m. onsite or online. Register here

For questions regarding registration, please contact cajl@tisrael.org.

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