Onsite and Online

Between Services


October 12, 2024


01:30 PM - 02:30 PM EDT


· High Holy Days
· Shabbat


Onsite and Online

Yom Kippur Afternoon Learning Opportunities

Between Yom Kippur morning and afternoon services, we invite you to stay in the day and participate in a choice of facilitated conversations, or find one of many spaces inside the Temple Israel building and along the Muddy River for meditative quiet, movement, art making, and family gatherings.

  • Meditative Spaces, onsite
  • Teen Gathering with Fallon Rubin, onsite
  • Poetry as Prayer, Prayer as Poetry with Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, onsite and online
  • Gathering with the Racial, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Team. Our conversation will lead us to build deeper relationships and challenge ourselves to be a community where everyone truly belongs. Onsite.
  • Ask the Clergy: Delve into the themes of the holidays, onsite and online

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