Home Living Judaism Together GBIO Applauds a $50 million Investment in Public Housing — What’s Next?
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GBIO Applauds a $50 million Investment in Public Housing — What’s Next?

Last fall’s GBIO Boston candidates forums secured commitments for $50 million to remediate unsafe public housing at Mildred C. Hailey in JP, and last Thursday Mayor Wu delivered!

If you’re curious about GBIO and how you can make a difference in access to mental health, services for citizens returning from incarceration, and housing affordability, here’s a special (video) invitation for you:

Anne Licciardello’s invitation to you

GBIO Delegate Assembly

Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m.

Online. Register here.

Celebrate and build power for future wins with TI and GBIO this Thursday at the GBIO Delegate Assembly.