
Lecha Dodi


Beloved, Come to meet the bride; beloved come to greet Shabbat

“Keep” and “Remember:” a single command the Only God caused us to hear; the Eternal is One, God’s Name is One; glory and praise are God’s.

Come with me to meet Shabbat, forever a fountain of blessing. Still it flows, as from the start: the last of days, for which the first was made.

Awake, Awake, your light has come! Arise, shine, awake, and sing: the Eternal’s glory dawns upon you.

Enter in peace, O crown of your husband; enter in gladness, enter in joy. Come to the people that keep its faith. Enter, O bride! Enter, O bride!


L’cha Dodi is a poem composed by Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz, a 16th century Safed Kabbalist. This prayer reflects the mystical tradition that was cultivated in Safed (tzvat) and is still alive and well in the Israeli city. The Rabbis of the Talmud would go out and greet Shabbat like a groom stepping outside the Chuppah to greet his bride.